Research and Development Topics

The research principally lies within three areas. The first province is the use of numerical methods for modelling physical fields (solving coupled problems, modelling nano-structures).The second field comprises research on special measurement methods for the acquisition and processing of time, image and spectroscopic signals using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) techniques. The third area is experimental and applied electrical and electronics engineering, focusing on the detection of short high-power electromagnetic pulses (on the order of up to 10 GW), fast repetitive and single-shot processes (in the ns region), methods for measuring extremely low air ion concentrations, and non-standard power sources (harvesters, resonant sources, photovoltaic applications). In all areas, the research is aimed at possible technical and technological applications. A description of the specific projects addressed can be found on this page.
The department has long addressed research topics in the field of nanoelectronics, photonics, biophotonics, modern mathematical and numerical tools for electromagnetic field analysis of nanostructures and materials engineering, and as a comprehensive approach does not use targeted division into research groups.