What is experimental and theoretical electrical engineering and why study it

Teaching experimental and theoretical electrical engineering

We offer courses within all of the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral study programs. Our mission is to form experts in prominent subdomains of electrical engineering by introducing and discussing the basic principles of electrical systems, safety, measurement of electrical and non-electrical quantities for baseline and special applications, and electromagnetic field modeling.

Gathering expertise in the field requires knowing the fundamentals of electrical circuits and measurement: Such a prerequisite allows each student to grasp the principles, processes, and safety rules that define their branch of interest, and the associated hands-on operation of various devices or tools enables them to rapidly enhance their practical skills and job market potential.

Did you know?

We teach the basics of electrical engineering and measurement methods in most of the study programs at the faculty.
We provide electrical engineering competence certification to the students through the duration of their studies.
The department allows the students to obtain industrially applicable competence certification.
The students can enroll in a specialized course that teaches topical trends in electrical installations, focusing on individual designing skills?
We offer one-semester courses on the theory and practical use of electronics, electrical circuit design, and circuit activation?

Come to experimental and theoretical electrical engineering